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Similar Artist- Ke$ha

I decided to look at Ke$ha as she has that typical bad girl look and even though she is electric pop/ dance her voice is similar to our artist. I looked at the video for Tik Tok. I found it interesting to see the video open up with diegetic sounds instead of sound instead of the song. The song then glitches in with matching editing and scenes from the bath. She performs in the bath which are symbols of relaxing, taking your time, not hurrying, in that a bath is more relaxing than a shower. This reflects the lyrics of the song as it is about living your life instead of being held down by the day to day, living while your young. She sings key parts of the song that suggest this rebellion e.g. tipsy, parties and don't stop. Props like handcuffs suggest sex and again rebellion reflecting the message of the song.

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