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A representation can be a single image, a sequence of images or a whole programme.

The media do not present reality they 're-present' it- they are representing things that have already occurred. Representations invite audiences to understand.

Whatever representations are used, there are ideologies, meanings and values that are implicit in that representation. Clearly this gives great power and responsibility to media institutions as the representations, to some extent can influence social attitudes to social groups on many ways.


"An ideology is a world view, a system of values, attitudes and beliefs which an individual, group or society holds to be true or important; these are shared by a culture or society about how that society should function."

For many music videos the most dominant ideology is love. This is due to the fact that it sells and as it is easy for the audience to relate to and understand. This is the ideology that we are going to base our own video upon. The star and her 'victims' will be very good looking and fashionable which follows this dominant ideology as it is commonly expressed by the media that 'pretty sells'.

O'Sullivan states that underpinning most of the media, various powerful tested interests operate to ensure that particular representations are manifested.

Andrew Godwin suggests lyrics make constant references to the visuals on screen. Visuals therefore should reinforce what the lyrics say.

Genre characters are representations associated with particular genres.

Voyeurism (the notion of looking). Critics argue that in contemporary music, woman especially, are objectified.


Stereotypes are used to enable an audience to instantly identify and understand the meaning of a text. certain aspects are focussed on or exaggerated. In texts, stereotypes are characters who are 'types' rather than complex people. They are usually negative also.

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